Culture Beat: ‘Chinese Poetry Conference’ show a stage for cultural exchanges

globaltimes2024-05-14  94

Promotional material for the 2024 season of Chinese Poetry Conference Photo: Courtesy of Chinese Poetry ConferenceChina&…

Culture Beat: ‘Chinese Poetry Conference’ show a stage for cultural exchanges

Promotional material for the 2024 season of Chinese Poetry Conference Photo: Courtesy of Chinese Poetry Conference

China's popular show Chinese Poetry Conference has not only received a warm welcome from audiences for its cultural knowledge and ancient wisdom, but also become a stage and platform for cultural exchanges. 

Cambodian Princess Jenna Norodom appeared on the latest episode of Chinese Poetry Conference on China Central TV on Saturday and shared her knowledge about China's ancient poems. She said that China and Cambodia have an unbreakable bond of friendship and that she has been learning Chinese and ancient Chinese poems. 

She noted that she hopes to learn some poems about friendship and recite them to her Chinese friends. During the show, she recited one of her favorite poems: "I live upstream and you downstream by Yangtze Blue. Day after day of you I think, but you are not in view. Although as one we drink, the water clear of River Blue." 

In her eyes, the poem written by Li Zhiyi, a poet of Song Dynasty, expresses well the feeling of longing as Cambodia and China will always be good partners and good neighbors who "drink from the same river."

Shan Jixiang, president of the China Cultural Relics Academy, said that the 2024 season of Chinese Poetry Conference is about not only the inheritance of poetry, but also the innovation and activation of China's fine traditional culture. Poems carry the emotional wisdom of the sages of past dynasties and the spiritual imprint of the Chinese nation. The program perfectly integrates the soul of poetry for thousands of years with modern aesthetics and shows the profound heritage of Chinese culture to the world.



