Donation ceremony held at Beijing Dance Academy

globaltimes2024-05-19  97

Ancient Chinese music and dance pottery figurines.Photo: Screenshot from the 70th anniversary of the founding of Beijing…

Donation ceremony held at Beijing Dance Academy

Ancient Chinese music and dance pottery figurines.Photo: Screenshot from the 70th anniversary of the founding of Beijing Dance Academy.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of Beijing Dance Academy, Wang Qian, a master of art and crafts from Shaanxi, donated to the academy hundreds of replicas of ancient Chinese music and dance pottery figurines made by Wang and her father. On the morning of May 14, the college held a donation ceremony. 

The music and dance figurines span from the Warring States Period to the Ming Dynasty, showing the development history of ancient Chinese music. The donation adds valuable resources for teaching and scientific research by the Beijing Dance Academy. Secretary of the Party committee of the college, Batu, accepted the donation and issued a donation certificate to Wang. Dean Xu Rui also gave her a distinguished professor certificate.

Wang reviewed in detail her experience in restoring pottery figurines, emphasizing the importance of these works to the development of ancient Chinese music. She said that these pottery figurines are not only a form of cultural heritage, but also an interpretation of the history of Chinese music.

"The music and dance figurines will inspire dance students and promote the inheritance and innovation of Chinese dance culture," said Xu Rui. 

Professor Wu Yunming affirmed the important value of these music and dance figurines in the fields of dance choreography, painting and other fields. "These musical and dance pottery figurines vividly reproduce the style of ancient Chinese dance through superb reproduction techniques," Wu noted.

Global Times



