Exhibition held in Beijing for renowned French artist Jean-François Rauzier

globaltimes2024-06-19  81

Opening of the exhibition "Givernisme" Photo: Givernisme official A large-scale solo exhibition focusing on Fr…

Exhibition held in Beijing for renowned French artist Jean-François Rauzier

Opening of the exhibition "Givernisme" Photo: Givernisme official

A large-scale solo exhibition focusing on French artist Jean-François Rauzier's impressionist photographic series, Givernisme, was recently held in Beijing. The exhibition showcases the new "Giverny" series works, as well as Rauzier’s classic city series. 

Famous actor and artist Tan Zhuo served as the ambassador for the exhibition, with Anais Martane working as art charity ambassador. They discussed the charm of Givernisme with visitors, guiding people to explore the infinite possibilities of photographic art.

In 2022, as the only artist invited by the Monet Foundation, Rauzier created the "Giverny" series of works at Monet's former residence. Givernisme presents these works, highlighting the deep dialogue between Rauzier and Monet's impressionist style, while showcasing the evolution of Rauzier's personal artistic style. Through his unique photographic perspective and interpretation, Rauzier breathes new life into classic scenes.

The exhibition is curated by Xiao Ge, director of the Phoenix Center. "We hope that every visitor can find a piece of tranquility and beauty here, and let Mr Rauzier's Givernisme lead us to explore the harmonious coexistence of art and nature," Xiao said.

"Following Monet's footsteps in the Giverny garden, Rauzier uses his innovative 'hyperphoto' technique to present us with a new interpretation of these famous floral landscapes," said Florent Aydalot, deputy director of the French Cultural Centre.

Artist Li Linlin created an interactive art installation called "Palace of Love" for the exhibition, adding a vibrant touch of young artistry to the event.


URL: https://www.seeglobalnews.com/read-3838.html

