New book release commemorates renowned Chinese painter Qi Baishi

globaltimes2024-06-21  158

Chinese Art Gallery, Qi Baishi and His Garden 3D painting Photo: Weibo account of BooksChinaNew World Press and Rong Bao…

New book release commemorates renowned Chinese painter Qi Baishi

Chinese Art Gallery, Qi Baishi and His Garden 3D painting Photo: Weibo account of BooksChina

New World Press and Rong Bao Zhai held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony on the opening day of the 30th Beijing International Book Fair. During the ceremony, they launched their collaborative work, Chinese Art Gallery, Qi Baishi and His Garden (Chinese-English bilingual edition).

"2024 marks the 160th anniversary of Qi Baishi's birth. To honor this 'people's artist,' this release combines classic paintings with a new publishing format to spark readers' interest in traditional culture," said Deputy General Manager of Rong Bao Zhai Tang Hui.

Rong Bao Zhai, a time-honored brand with over 350 years of history, is renowned for its rich and precious collections, earning it the reputation of "the People's Forbidden City."

"New World Press aims to enhance the international influence of Chinese culture through creative transformation and innovative development," said President of New World Press Li Chunkai.

The design inspiration for Chinese Art Gallery, Qi Baishi and His Garden comes from Qi Baishi's famous works. Through the use of 3D paper, the paintings are presented in a comprehensive manner to readers.

The Chinese-English bilingual edition, based on the original Chinese version, showcases the diverse charm of traditional Chinese culture. It garnered significant attention from overseas readers at the Paris Book Fair.

This ceremony marks an important step for both parties in promoting the international dissemination of Chinese culture. They plan to continue collaborating to launch more high-quality cultural products in the future.



